Another Pod: Do Not Relent! is an off the rails World of Warcraft podcast. We cover all things WoW while being your average joe player- from m+ keys to world PvP we’ll try anything at least a few times! So put on your gambling shoes and join us in the Undermine already Join our discord at: https://discord.gg/pZH4ahr67d

Friday May 31, 2024
Episode #285 - Boys Busting for Bronze
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Pandaria Remix enters it's third(?) week and the boys are entering the end game; level 70+ has been reached, so what's all that funny brown money gonna go towards?! Slidewhistle is running raids, Immunization has sticker shock at the mount stable, and Aaron is getting betrayed on the Isle of Thunder.
Will the announcement of "The War Within's" beta announcement be enough to shake up their dreamy stay in the past? Listen and find out!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and Reese's and Butterfingers (earned via sassy Halloween escapades) to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday May 24, 2024
Episode #284 - 10-Man Raiding, 3 Men Complaining
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Pandaria Remix continues and so do our boys! Now that they've had more than 36 seconds of playtime, Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron have a list of features they love, some they hate, and some that they should have known something like 10 years ago, BUT WE'RE DRAENOR DARLINGS! GIVE US A BREAK!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and spare tires to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday May 17, 2024
Episode #283 - Pandaria Timerunning: The Life and Death of Snidley
Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Set your clocks and fire up some Cobra Starship on your iPhone 3; 2012 and Pandaria are BACK! Pandaria Timerunning is the talk of the town, and Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron have fired up their characters to explore it!
Join Lars, Robognome, and Snidley (while you can) as they explore old content with a twist and finally find out who has the most 1337 gamerscore!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and condolences for Snidley's untimely passing to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday May 10, 2024
Episode #282 - Heralding the Harbinger
Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
The Harbinger has made their presence known in the world of Azeroth, and it's up to Sildewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron to stop her! Or at the very least discuss vague WoW topics for an hour to distract her.
Come hear us comb through all of the silliest and most heart-pounding content you've ever seen! I woke up late and slapped this one together in 2 hours, so if there are any screw-ups just know that I'm a smol bean and it's my birthday; you can't be mad at the lil' birthday boi!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and favorite Hatsune Miku tracks to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday May 03, 2024
Episode #281 - Season Four Your Listening Pleasure~
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Season 4 of Dragonflight continues, and Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron have continued to mount an expedition to experience it all! Immune achieves several life-long goals, Aaron experiences the harsh world of "competitive" Mythic 2's, and the May Trading Post comes to town! Come listen to the episode that Cubbybub has claimed "seemed like a hoot over there..."
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and exactly 67 cents to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday Apr 26, 2024
Episode #280 - #BlizzconisOverParty... Again
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Season 4 of Dragonflight has arrived and Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron are roughing and toughing it out to give you the news you gotta know! Fated raids, beefed up Mythics, new features on the way! It's almost too much to handle! if only there was a big gathering of Blizzard fans that could all meet together and discuss i-
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and 1K tips for 20K mail boots to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday Apr 19, 2024
Episode #279 - DNR: Confirmed Middlecore
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron are sifting through all of the various War Within news drops and boy howdy have they picked out some winners! Dwarven politics and potential story threads, analyzing our Warbands, and coming to terms with being comfortably middlecore- This ep's got it all!
Go ahead and check out our YouTube channel (see link below) if you want a nice static image to go with your audio!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and Arachnaphobia Filter-approved memes to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday Apr 12, 2024
Episode #278 - Incoming Pandamonium!
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron are wading through the metric BUTT TON of 10.2.7 news that just dropped! Mists of Pandaria Timerunning! Fun seasonal swimsuits! A brand new (CENSORED FOR CONTENT REASONS) for Hunters! Come on in and pull up a chair!
Also this is the first episode simultaneously launching on our YouTube channel, @donotrelent. Go ahead and check that out if you want a nice static image to go with your audio!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and Josh Wine (not really; it was mid) to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Linktree: donotrelent.com
YouTube: @donotrelent on YouTube (the link is long and ugly)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday Apr 05, 2024
Episode #277 - Someone Called Slidewhistle a Slur
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron have been playing the World of Warcraft; BOY HOWDY HAVE THEY! Plunderstorm, gathering the meta achievement, visiting the Trader's Post, picking up Noblegarden eggs. There's NOTHING these boys haven't done! Oh also Season 4 was announced, but we already dun knew that was comin'.
Oh also someone called Slide a homophobic slur, which he took in stride, so don't feel TOO bad for'em. But be better, people.
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and Josh Wine (not really; it was mid) to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Linktree: Linktr.ee/DoNotRelentpod
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D

Friday Mar 29, 2024
Episode # 276 - Me(t)abo(y)s
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
The title is a Medabots reference... just give me this one...
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron have been battling in a war on two fronts: across the Arathi Basin, cutlass and spells in hand, and through the heavily-broken World of Warcraft achievements page! What Plunderstorm tips do they have? What feats must they accomplish? Will Aaron one day be united with his little blonde, plastic friend???
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and Josh Wine (not really; it was mid) to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Linktree: Linktr.ee/DoNotRelentpod
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D