Another Pod: Do Not Relent! is an off the rails World of Warcraft podcast. We cover all things WoW while being your average joe player- from m+ keys to world PvP we’ll try anything at least a few times! So put on your gambling shoes and join us in the Undermine already Join our discord at: https://discord.gg/pZH4ahr67d

Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Episode #255 - BlizzCon: The War Within Our Bladders
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
BlizzCon 2023 started TODAY! And ya boys (and Papa Cheese) were live on the scene to report of the hottest WoW info for y'all! Come gather round to listen to everything we have to say about all the latest World of Warcraft information! And we very well may be back within, like 24 hours with information from Day 2 of the con! No promises lol.
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and some good brunch locations for prior to Day 2 of the con late to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Episode #254.99 - Moments Before BlizzCon 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
BlizzCon 2023 is TOMORRA’! The boys have never missed a Friday upload, but we know you want the juice early so enjoy this episode before our predictions are debunked
So tell ya what, listen for some goofs, some light predictions, and even the November Fashion Photo Review! Then come on back in a few days where the boys (and Papa Cheese) will be able to talk about "the good stuff." Meet you all back here in, like, 53ish hours!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and BlizzCon predictions made far too late to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Episode #254 - Pre-BlizzCon Leaks?! 11.0 Revealed?!
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
But a single week remains until the summation of years of waiting arrives: BlizzCon 2023! And yet some Reddit tricksters may be attempting to deflate the grandeur of the upcoming event by potentially leaking the newest announcement?!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron are on the case, discussing what we DO know from the latest patch notes, what we MAY know about 11.0, and what we'll NEVER KNOW about why Blizzard keeps adding weird currency to WoW? Just let me sell my old funny bucks! No one wants to do conversions and math to turn one thing into another!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and water (I poisoned myself last night) to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Episode #253 - The French Deflection
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Some news has trickled out from the ever-shallowing well of World of Warcraft content, and like a drop of life-saving water in the desert, it has revitalized Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron! 10.2: Guardians of the Dream has an official release date! Hallow's End has begun and offers a (singular) brand new adventure! Interviews have been given- some are nice and some have spice~
Also Aaron makes a fair number of references to the Jada Pinkett-Smith's "Worthy" audiobook- like SPECIFICALLY the audiobook version- so if you don't care or want to care just keep your head down and humor him.
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and Skabidi Toilet memes (please don't actually) to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Oct 13, 2023
Episode #252 - Lil’ Maggz’s Poetry Hour
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron just received their exclusive box of BlizzCon 2023 goodies, and they've been sifting through its contents to determine if they got ripped off or not.
Other topics include thoughts on whether Dragonflight is ending sooner than we think, what that means for the characters it has introduced, and of course the announcement of the winner of our impromptu "Lil' Maggz Poetry Contest."
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and new pillows to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Episode #251 - Warcraft Rumbling & Warcraft Grumbling
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron are once again up to bat, and they're aiming for a homer (or at least a solid double.) Topics include the new Warcraft Rumble event, the fate of Azeroth's crunchiest residents, changes coming to vasrious character classes, and a bit of waffling about the possible future of 11.0.
ALSO Slide randomly announced a new contest to earn a Lil' Maggz toy! Just send us a fel-tinged poem (3 line minimum) to donotrelepod@gmail.com (or navarracoffin@gmail.com) to enter to win the ONE and ONLY Lil' Maggz! Don't let this demonic butterball pass you by!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and any loose (wrapped) Snickers you may have to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Sep 29, 2023
Episode #250 - Chris Metzen’s Grand(?) Return!
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron are 1/4 of the way to the coveted 1000 episode milestone. THAT'S HONESTLY REALLY WILD AND FRIGHTENING TO ME!
Let's distract from that news by talking about some WoW! The detailed Blizzcon map has been introduced, Chris Metzen slunk back into the company, and we have an EXCLUSIVE sneak peak at the Trading Post goodies that will be arriving in just a few days' time!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and the new Sonic Frontiers DLC (I heard it's a good'en) to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
The World of Warcraft has been slacking in it's content release game, so the boys of DNR have taken it upon themselves to UP the energy and MAXIMIZE their output! Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron have filled up these 58 minutes with 10.2 news, classic segments, and a whole slew of ha ha funny goofers! JUST FOR YOU, (your name)!
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and VHS recordings of last night's Big Brother #DoubleElimination special to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Episode #248 - Fumbling through the Secrets of Azeroth
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
The content bomb that was the 10.2 announcement has gone off, and this week the boys are wading through the fallout. That said, they've managed to find quite a few goodies amongst the rubble, like Dreamsurges - an oddly refreshing take on the old "run around and kill stuff" world event - or the mysterious Secrets of Azeroth event that just wrapped up!
But enough'a that noise; when's (PERSCRIPTION ONLY) weed comin' to WoW? When can we light a (MEDICALLY PERSCRIBED) doob with my boy Malfie? We talk about that too...
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and a copy of "Mortal Kombat 1" to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit:

Friday Sep 08, 2023
Episode #247 - 10.2: Guardians of the Dream!
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Make sure to check the rest of the description for all of our social media and charity links, including our Patreon (patreon.com/DoNotRelent)!
Blizzard has blessed us all with a third, and much more functional, WoWcast detailing the next upcoming patch, 10.2 a.k.a. Guardians of the Dream! This reveal has sent shockwaves through the community, and Slidewhistle, Immunization, and Aaron are here to measure the aftershocks! NEW raid! NEW story! NEW HAIRCUTS! MAYBE?
Oh, also 10.1.7 came out too, and it's pretty fun. We'll get to him next week while we wait for the newer hotness.
Oh also here's a link to the tier sets we were discussing. Gotta put this guy in or boss man said I don't get a lunch break today: https://www.wowhead.com/news/first-look-at-dragonflight-10-2-tier-sets-season-3-and-amirdrassil-raid-334873
Please send all your love mail, hate mail, and any excess green globule currency to @DoNotRelentPod (Twitter) or on gmail at DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com! We will respond to literally anything and read it on the pod.
Find us at:
Patreon: patreon.com/DoNotRelent
Discord: donotrelent.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/donotrelent
Twitter: twitter.com/DoNotRelentPod
Livejournal: donotrelentpod.livejournal.com
E-Mail: DoNotRelentPod@gmail.com
Finally, if you feel so inclined, please rate us on iTunes and bonusroll.gg. We will take a shot on air in your honor! Every rating helps! :D
Additionally, here are the links to the charities that Blizzard employees have asked us to support in the wake of the sexual harassment and gender inequality lawsuit: